Cowgirl Chronicles: The First Snow 10/29/23

I jumped out of bed and ran out to the living room to look. Twenty-two degrees! and it would be colder on the alfalfa bottoms! Dang it! I had forgotten to shut the hydrant off last night. At 5:00 a.m. it was the first thought to grace my morning. A hydrant float system waters our … Continue reading Cowgirl Chronicles: The First Snow 10/29/23

Cowgirl Chronicles: Feeding Calves, Digging Potatoes and Sandhill Cranes 10/27/23

It's a new day, and the sun is shining, and we are back to our 7:30 start time for feeding. I thought the temperature was 21 for the morning, but I realized our thermometer is on the fritz because it says there was a high of 90 and a low of 14. Southwest Nebraska is … Continue reading Cowgirl Chronicles: Feeding Calves, Digging Potatoes and Sandhill Cranes 10/27/23

Cowgirl Chronicles: A Storm in January, Fog, and Gathering Cattle 10/26/23.

If the old adage holds true, there is gonna be one rip roarin' son of a gun come January. For two solid days, fog hung in heavy and thick, subduing noise and quieting the atmosphere. Accompanying it, there was this annoying mist that didn't accomplish anything but make everything a sticky damp. Dirt stuck to … Continue reading Cowgirl Chronicles: A Storm in January, Fog, and Gathering Cattle 10/26/23.

Shippin’ Calves on the Morrow~

We’re shippin' calves on the morrow.Saddle up we're gatherin'em in.We'll ride to the far end to check the canyons.This mare needs some long trottin' miles of travelin'. I spook up a coyote,sleepin' underneath a tree.My oncoming approach is enough to scare'emHe hightails it over the distant hill far from jeopardy. Cattle stream out and down … Continue reading Shippin’ Calves on the Morrow~