A Connection~

If you are going to make a living from the land you have to gain an understanding of it. The understanding that the prairie is its own complexity. An understanding that it is wild and primeval. That it is extraordinarily resilient yet fragile. It calls for your utmost respect and protection and you must carry … Continue reading A Connection~

A Stacked Deck~

The dry dead grass crunched underneath as the eight hooves plodded down, the horse following the bull.  The ground parted ways like Moses’s Red Sea as waves of grasshoppers scattered from the path, the scratchy sounds of their jumping joining into a consonance with the crunching grass. As the bull walked back to his pasture … Continue reading A Stacked Deck~

Moving Cows, Busted Fences and Sour Attitudes~

We spent the better part of last week on horseback, with early mornings and hot days. Some mornings were perfectly cool with welcomed cloud cover while others were “sun bearing down” hot with “shirts sticking to your skin” humidity as soon as the sun came up.  We helped two neighbors haul and trail their cattle … Continue reading Moving Cows, Busted Fences and Sour Attitudes~